  • Key Change Agent
    of Digital Transformation
  • Intentional Focus on Value
    Through Cultural Transformation & Business Innovation

The Business Value Implications of ESG – Part 1

Arie Polichuk, digital advisor at Microsoft, talks to us about the business value of ESG. He gives a background on this topic and why it is important today. He provides details on typical benefits and costs to be expected along with some illustrative returns in key industries. He also discusses best practices for companies just

Overcoming Value Obstacles Part 2

In today’s episode, we will continue our conversation with Lisa Yala and Mitalee Bhardwaj, women entrepreneurs transcending their way into the coffee business. We discuss the various obstacles and challenges these entrepreneurs faced while establishing their coffee syrup business. We highlight the specific hurdles they encountered and how they overcame them using their engineering backgrounds.

Business Value Modeling

In today’s episode, guest host Andrew Wolff is switching places with Sree Sundaram to ask him about his perspectives on value focused outcomes and how he goes about realizing it. We discussed the difference between a business value model and a business case. We talked about how to develop value propositions in the face of

How ChatGPT Delivers Business Value

In today’s episode, we investigate the current uproar that has enveloped the business world since late last year. Yes, you guessed it right. We are referring to ChatGPT and how it has upended business value conversations for the past several months. In today’s panel discussion, industry experts Mike Sternberg, David Catzel and Andrew Wolff dive

Good for the Planet. Good for the Business – ESG Part 2

In this episode, which is second on the topic of ESG, we discuss how it is good for the planet and good for the business. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It is a framework that helps stakeholders understand how an organization is managing risks and opportunities related to environmental, social, and governance criteria.

Adopting Methodologies & Frameworks to Accelerate Time to Digital Transformation Value

Holistyx Principal Andrew Wolff discusses how adopting an operating methodology accelerates time to value of a digital transformation program. Frameworks and Methodologies are defined and a distinction is made between them. Time to value is reduced between 40-60% when compared to non-methodology driven programs which results in an additional increase in IRR of at least

Digital Transformation Acceleration through Transformation Leadership Teams

In today’s episode, former Microsoft CTO of customer transformation discusses how to accelerate digital transformation (or DT) using various enablement programs. He talks about various factors influencing the success of DT programs especially using Transformation Leadership Teams (TLT). He also talks about the benefits of using TLT by organizations aspiring to successfully execute a DT